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研究テーマの例(Research Topics)

  • 沈み込み帯におけるプレート間の固着とすべりに関する研究

Slip and coupling on a plate interface in the subduction zone



In and around the Japanses Islands, oceanic plates are subducting beneath continental plates along the Nankai Trough and the Japan Trench. A part of a plate interface between continental and oceanic plates is usually locked and accumulates strain. It suddenly slips when shear strain exceeds the frictional strength on the interface, which is called a megathrust earthquake. Analyses of crustal deformation observed by GNSS(GPS) and other instruments estimate which part of the plate interface is locked or slipped during an earthquak. Recent studies suggest slow slip events or slow earthquakes occur on a various part of the plate interface and release a part of the accumulated strain. Along the Nankai trough, the slow slip events occur beneath Shikoku and Kii Peninsula several times per year. I study a slip budget, regional slip behaviors, large megathrust earthquakes on the plate interface thorugh the analysis of slip and coupling using geodetic data.

Keywords: Interplate coupling, Megathrust earthquake, Slow earthquake, Slow slip event (SSE), Afterslip

item4 model2007040

図2 2007年5月10日頃に四国中部で発生した短期的スロースリップイベント(SSE).南海トラフ沿いのプレート境界では,固着領域の下限付近でこのようなSSEが年に数回以上発生しています.Nishimura et al.(2013)の解析より.

Figure 2 A slow slip event (SSE) in central Shikoku around May 10, 2007. SSEs on the plate interface along the Nankai Trough ooccur several times per year. After Nishimura et al.(2013).

図1 1997年10月〜1999年10月のGNSSデータから推定された東北日本に沈み込む太平洋プレートの境界面での固着分布(西村,2012を修正).赤色はプレート運動速度より滑り速度が遅く固着している領域,青色は,プレート運動速度よりすべり速度が早くひずみを解放している領域を表す.プレートの等値線間隔は2cm/年.

Figure 1 Distribution of inetrplate coupling in northeastern Japan from October 1997 to October 1999 (modified from Nishimura (2012)), estimated using GNSS data. Red and blue regions represent back-slip and forward slip, respectively. Back-slip is slip-deficit relative to rigid interplate motion. The contour interval is 2cm/yr.

  • ひずみ集中帯の変形機構と内陸地震発生機構に関する研究
  • 大地震後の余効変動に関する研究  
  • 火山性地殻変動と力源に関する研究
  • 火山と地震の相互作用に関する研究
  • GNSSデータを用いたテクトニクスに関する研究
    • 伊豆前弧と伊豆マイクロプレート

Mechanism for deformation in a strain concentration zone and occurence of inland earthquakes

Postseismic deformation following large earthquakes

Volcanic deformation and sources

Interaction of earthquakes and volcanic sources

Regional tectonics using GNSS data
