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Iio, Y., T. Shibutani, S. Matsumoto, H. Katao, T. Matsushima, S. Ohmi, F. Takeuchi, K. Uehira, K. Nishigami, M. Miyazawa, B. Enescu, I. Hirose, Y. Kano, Y. Kohno, K. Tatsumi, T. Ueno, H. Wada, Y. Yukutake, Precise aftershock distribution of the 2004 Mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake—Implication for a very weak region in the lower crust, Phys. Earth Planet. Int.,172, 345-352, 2009.

Kawanishi, R., Y. Iio, Y. Yukutake, T. Shibutani, H. Katao, Local stress concentration in the seismic belt along the Japan Sea coast inferred from precise focal mechanisms: Implications for the stress accumulation process on intraplate earthquake faults, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B01309, doi: 10.1029/2008JB005765, 2009.


Shibutani, T., T. Ueno and K. Hirahara, Improvement in the extended-time multitaper receiver function estimation technique, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 98, 812-816, 2008, doi:10.1785/0120070226.

Ueno T., T. Shibutani and K. Ito, Subsurface structures derived from receiver function analysis and relation to hypocenter distributions in the region from the eastern Shikoku to the northern Chugoku districts, Southwest Japan, Earth Planets Space, 60, 537-579, 2008. [PDF]

Ueno T., T. Shibutani and K. Ito, Configuration of the continental Moho and Philippine Sea Slab in Southwest Japan derived from receiver function analysis: Relation to subcrustal earthquakes, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 98, 2416 - 2427, 2008.

Tonegawa, T., K. Hirahara, T. Shibutani, H. Iwamori, H. Kanamori and K. Shiomi, Water flow to the mantle transition zone inferred from a receiver function image of the Pacific slab, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 274, 346-354, 2008.

Mikumo, T., T. Shibutani, A. Le Pichon, M. Garces, D. Fee, T. Tsuyuki, S. Watada and W Morii, Low-frequency acoustic-gravity waves from coseismic vertical deformation associated with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (Mw = 9.2), J. Geophys. Res., 113, B12402, doi:10.1029/2008JB005710, 2008.


Yukutake, Y., Y. Iio, H. Katao and T. Shibutani, Estimation of the stress field in the region of the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake: Using numerous aftershock focal mechanisms, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B09306, doi:10.1029/2005JB004250, 2007.


飯尾能久,松本聡,松島健,植平賢司,片尾浩,大見士朗,澁谷拓郎,竹内文朗,西上欽也,Bogdan Enescu,廣瀬一聖,加納靖之,儘田豊,宮澤理稔,辰己賢一,和田博夫,河野裕希,是永将宏,上野友岳,行竹洋平,2004年新潟県中越地震の発生過程-オンライン合同余震観測結果から-,地震,2,58,463-475,2006.

Tonegawa, T., K. Hirahara, T. Shibutani and N. Fujii, Lower slab boundary in the Japan subduction zone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 247, 101-107, 2006.

Tonegawa, T., K. Hirahara, T. Shibutani and K. Shiomi, Upper mantle imaging beneath the Japan Islands by Hi-net tiltmeter recordings, Earth Planets Space, 58, 1007-1012, 2006. (2008年日本地震学会論文賞) [PDF]


Shibutani, T., H. Katao and Group for the dense aftershock observations of the 2000 Western Tottori Earthquake, High resolution 3-D velocity structure in the source region of the 2000Western Tottori Earthquake in southwestern Honshu, Japan using very dense aftershock observations, Earth Planets Space, 57, 825--838, 2005. [PDF]

Shibutani, T., Y. Iio, S. Matsumoto, H. Katao, T. Matsushima, S. Ohmi, F. Takeuchi, K. Uehira, K. Nishigami, B. Enescu, I. Hirose, Y. Kano, Y. Kohno, M. Korenaga, Y. Mamada, M. Miyazawa, K. Tatsumi, T. Ueno, H. Wada and Y. Yukutake, Aftershock distribution of the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake derived from a combined analysis of temporary online observations and permanent observations, Earth Planets Space, 57, 545–549, 2005. [PDF]

Tonegawa, T., Hirahara, K. and Shibutani, T., Detailed structure of the upper mantle discontinuities around the Japan subduction zone imaged by receiver function analyses, Earth Planets Space, 57, 5–14, 2005. [PDF]


Shito, A. and T. Shibutani, Anelastic structure of the upper mantle beneath the northern Philippine Sea , Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 140, pp.319-329, 2003.

Shito, A. and T. Shibutani, Nature of heterogeneity of the upper mantle beneath the northern Philippine Sea as inferred from attenuation and velocity tomography, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 140, pp.331-341, 2003.

Kito, T., T. Shibutani and  K. Hirahara, Scattering objects in the lowermost mantle beneath northeastern China observed with a short-period seismic array, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 138, pp. 55-69, 2003.

Yamauchi, M., K. Hirahara and T. Shibutani, High resolution receiver function imaging of the seismic velocity discontinuities in the crust and the uppermost mantle beneath southwest Japan, Earth Planets Space, 55, pp. 59-64, 2003. (2004年日本地震学会論文賞) [PDF]



伊藤潔,廣瀬一聖,澁谷拓郎,片尾浩,梅田康弘,佐藤比呂志,平田直,伊藤谷生,阿部進,川中卓,井川猛,近畿地方における地殻および上部マントルの構造と地震活動,京大防災研年報,50B, 275-288, 2007.


西村和浩・中尾節郎・三浦 勉・辰己賢一・平野憲雄・山崎友也・加茂正人・冨阪和秀・吉田義則・松浦秀起・澁谷拓郎・伊藤 潔・片尾 浩・廣瀬一聖・森下可奈子,大大特:近畿地方縦断自然地震観測,京大防災研年報,49B,297-306,2006.




澁谷拓郎,伊藤潔,自然地震による地下構造探査(近畿圏),大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト平成18年度成果報告書,294-302, 2007.

澁谷拓郎,竹内文朗,片尾浩,活断層対の微小地震の活動特性,大都市大震災軽減化特別プロジェクト平成18年度成果報告書,600-606, 2007.
